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We’re pleased to announce that we have launched a brand new product in our ‘For your home’ range: Reusable Beeswax Snack Bags


The new snack bags have been developed following feedback and requests from customers who have bought our popular Reusable Beeswax Food Wraps and were looking for something tailor made for snacks and sandwiches.

Great for keeping all sorts of food items fresh, the new Snack Bags are designed with just one opening edge, which is simply sealed by using the heat from your hands to hold the edges closed for a short time.

Handmade in the UK, the bags are made with all natural products: 100% cotton fabric and thread, beeswax from Birmingham bees, pine resin and jojoba oil.

Both the new Beeswax Snack Bags and the Beeswax Food Wraps are a great way to reduce your use of single-use plastics, so you can do your bit for the environment whilst retaining the ability to keep foods fresh and tasty.

To reuse the bags time and again, simply wash them in a mild detergent, air dry and they are ready to go.  Depending on use and care, the bags and wraps can last up to 1 year. As a natural product they are biodegradable so just pop them into your compost bin when they reach the end of their lives. How good is that!

Stocks are limited so bee quick!

We’re pleased to announce that we have launched a brand new product in our ‘For your home’ range: Reusable Beeswax Snack Bags


The new snack bags have been developed following feedback and requests from customers who have bought our popular Reusable Beeswax Food Wraps and were looking for something tailor made for snacks and sandwiches.

Great for keeping all sorts of food items fresh, the new Snack Bags are designed with just one opening edge, which is simply sealed by using the heat from your hands to hold the edges closed for a short time.

Handmade in the UK, the bags are made with all natural products: 100% cotton fabric and thread, beeswax from Birmingham bees, pine resin and jojoba oil.

Both the new Beeswax Snack Bags and the Beeswax Food Wraps are a great way to reduce your use of single-use plastics, so you can do your bit for the environment whilst retaining the ability to keep foods fresh and tasty.

To reuse the bags time and again, simply wash them in a mild detergent, air dry and they are ready to go.  Depending on use and care, the bags and wraps can last up to 1 year. As a natural product they are biodegradable so just pop them into your compost bin when they reach the end of their lives. How good is that!

Stocks are limited so bee quick!


Why do bees swarm?

If you see a big, swirling cloud heading out across the rooftops and trees, it could be a swarm of honeybees. They have left the safety of their hive and are flying off to find a new home – a hole in a tree, a chimney or an empty hive. It's an awesome sight! 


Swarming bees are full of honey - carrying supplies for their new home - so they usually don't sting. But it's best to stand well back just in case!

Swarming is an important, natural process. It happens when a colony of honeybees splits and the queen takes a large number of worker bees with her in search of a new home. It's the way they reproduce. As soon as the old queen reaches the new nest site her entourage builds wax honeycomb so then she can lay her eggs and there’s space for pollen and honey stores.

Meanwhile in the original hive site new queens are hatching. Another one or two queens might leave the colony to set up a new home but one will stay to rule over the original hive. In this way the colony becomes two, three or more colonies.

Honey bees mostly swarm early in the season from late April to June. So this is a busy time for beekeepers!

Swarming early in the season gives the bees enough time to set up their new home and gather plenty of stores to see them through the winter. Beekeepers put out bait hives to try to lure a passing swarm. We also ‘artificially’ swarm our colonies which means separating the brood from the queen and flying bees. This splits the colonies and the urge to swarm goes away - usually! 

So if you are lucky enough to see a swarm of bees, marvel at this force of nature and then find your local swarm collector here: 


How do you move a honeybee colony?
