Why do bees swarm?

Why do bees swarm?

Why do bees swarm? If you see a big, swirling cloud heading out across the rooftops and trees, it could be a swarm of honeybees. They have left the safety of their hive and are flying off to find a new home – a hole in a tree, a chimney or an empty hive. It’s an...
Honey & lemon cup cakes

Honey & lemon cup cakes

Award winning honey & lemon cupcakes (third prize in the Warwickshire Beekeepers County Show!) Honey & lemon Cup Cakes Ingredients for cakes:150g (6oz) butter, softened100g (4oz) caster sugar50g (2oz) floral honey from a local beekeeper :-)Finely grated zest...
What do honey bees do in the winter?

What do honey bees do in the winter?

I’m often asked what happens to bee colonies in the winter. Well for many bees and wasps only the queens live through the winter. However, honey bees are different as they remain active all year around.  At this time of year the drones (male bees) get...